KZR INiG System announces the kick-off project the EU Database (UDB) for biofuels and bioliquids. In accordance with Article 28 (2) of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 – RED II. Member States require relevant traders to enter into this database information on the transactions carried out and the sustainability characteristics of these fuels, including GHG emissions over the entire life cycle of these fuels, from the place of production to the supplier placing the fuels on the market.
The obligation to use the UDB applies to EOs certified in the area of liquid and gaseous transport biofuels. Biomass and biogas for energy purposes are not covered by this obligation.
The role of KZR INiG is to smoothly implement all participants and certification bodies into the UDB. KZR INiG participates in meetings with the EC on an ongoing basis. We will keep you informed of all necessary activities in this regard.
The following schedule is planned: