KZR INiG System principles

Nearest term: March 3-4, 2025 online training

Trainers:  Delfina Rogowska, Michał Pajda, Izabela Popławska

Scope of training:

Day I

1. Sustainability criteria and description of the KZR INiG voluntary scheme
2. Entities in the supply chain
3. Certification – formal aspects
4. GHG emission calculation
5. Mass balance
6. Verification of sustainability criteria at point of origin (excluding forest biomass)
7. Requirements for certification bodies and auditors

Day II

1. Performing of an audit – general information
2. GHG Performing of an audit – mass balance, GHG emission
3. Performing of an audit – FGP
4. Verification of client’s procedure – workshops
5. Performing of an audit – trader/final supplier/ outside EU entities/ biogas plant
6. Audit planning – workshops
7. Exam

Adressed to:

Auditors of certification bodies, consultants, economic operators acting in the supply chain of  biofuels, solid biomass fuels and biogas.

Type of trainnig:
  • 2 days
  • theory
  • on-line
  • language: ENG
Number of participants:
  • no limits
  • 475 €  / person
Obtained documents:
  • certificate
How to register?

Registration for the training takes place after sending a completed application form to

Additional information:

Participation in the 2-day training means participation in the training “KZR INiG System principles”. Two days training is required for auditors.

