The KZR INiG has a pleasure to invite you to a free webinar:
“Access Point Provider and Service Provider for UDB.”
In accordance with Article 28(2) of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 – RED II, member states require operators certified in the field of liquid and gaseous transport biofuels to enter information into the Union Database (UDB) about all transactions conducted and the sustainability characteristics of fuels, including greenhouse gas emissions across the entire fuel life cycle, from production to the supplier introducing the fuel to the market. Operators can perform these tasks manually.
The European Commission also provides two methods for automatically transferring data to the UDB – through the use of the Access Point Provider (AP) and Service Provider (SP) services. Both Access Point Providers and Service Providers must be designated by the voluntary system and, after passing the testing phase in the UDB test environment, approved to work in the UDB production environment by the European Commission.
Companies which want to exchange information via their own ERP system can send data to the UDB – following the required protocol, regardless of the ERP system type. Such data transfer can take place through the Access Point Provider. The Access Point Provider refers to a designated provider who can communicate securely with the Union Database. The Service Provider can offer additional support, such as integration with the business entity’s existing processes, to enable automated data transmission to the UDB, thus reducing administrative burden.
The KZR INiG system has selected three companies that have expressed their readiness to provide services in the areas of Access Point Provider (AP) and Service Provider (SP). The purpose of the informational meeting is to present the selected contractors.
February 6, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM (online, in Polish)
Link to the meeting: