KZR INiG System is a certification scheme that verifies whether biofuels, bioliquids, and biomass are produced in line with sustainability principles, meaning in an environmentally friendly and compliant manner. The system helps companies meet the requirements of the European Union, including RED II Directive, which promotes renewable energy
The KZR INiG System is a global certification system owned by the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute. The KZR System is designed for the certification of sustainable production of biofuels, bioliquids, and raw materials, aiming to provide solutions that ensure renewable energy production in accordance with sustainability criteria.
The KZR INiG System was approved by the European Commission under decision No. 2014/325/EU on June 3, 2014, and subsequently under decision No. 2018/1984 on December 13, 2018, as well as decision No. 2022/2461 on December 14, 2022. It has been recognized by the European Commission for demonstrating compliance with sustainability criteria according to the directives of the European Parliament and Council 98/70/EC and 2018/2001.
The KZR INiG System is listed among the certification systems recognized by the European Commission.
The system has implemented the requirements of Directive 2018/2001 of December 11, 2018, regarding the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RED II), and the current system documents meet the requirements of this directive.
Gaining recognition allows us to operate worldwide. This means that any supplier involved in the supply chain can be certified, regardless of where they conduct their business. Certificates issued under our System are recognized by other voluntary systems.
We also meet additional requirements:
Polish: KOWR Register (National Support Centre for Agriculture, formerly ARR)
– KZR INiG registered under number BIO/ASC/001/2014
German: BLE Register (Federal Office for Agriculture and Food)
– KZR INiG registered under number EU-BM 22
The Institute Management
The owner and administrator of the KZR INiG System is the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute, headquartered in Krakow, represented by the Director of the Institute. The current composition of the Institute’s Management is available on the website:
Biomass Certification Systems Office (BCSO)
The Biomass Certification Systems Office (BCSO) is a division of the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute (System Administrator), responsible for overseeing and developing the KZR System. The main task of this department is to supervise the records in the KZR INiG System documents and implement the System’s tasks. In addition, BCSO is responsible for the improvement and development of the System’s documents, as well as organizing training sessions.
The management of the Office is responsible for recognizing and supervising the certification bodies operating within the System. BCSO is also authorized to appoint an audit team to conduct an “internal monitoring audit” at certified entities and to observe certification bodies during audits. The Biomass Certification Systems Office collects reports on the quantity of biomass from system participants, supervises the data, and submits reports to the European Commission in accordance with the RED II Directive.
Economic operator
An economic entity refers to anyone conducting business activities, existing in the supply chain, dealing with sustainable raw material (biomass), processed biomass, biofuels, bioliquids, biomass fuels, waste, and residues (first points of waste/residue collection, trade, and processing) and is interested in obtaining KZR INiG certification.
Certification bodies (CBs)
Certification Bodies (CB) are not participants in the KZR INiG System. The task of the certification bodies is to verify compliance with the KZR INiG System requirements. Certification bodies are impartial, independent organizations with the freedom to conduct business activities. Certification bodies recognized by the KZR INiG System are authorized to issue certificates. They conduct audits, manage processes, and ensure that the participants comply with the KZR INiG System requirements.
More about CB in links:
KZR INiG System Council (Council)
The Council consists of 5-10 members (experts, including external specialists, industry representatives, associations, universities, NGOs, government authorities, and certification body representatives) who meet specific requirements.
The main tasks of the Council include overseeing the independence, transparency, and avoidance of conflicts of interest between entities participating in the system and the certification bodies, as well as reviewing complaints and proposals.
Oversight of independence, transparency, and avoidance of conflicts of interest is conducted according to the following scheme: at least once a year, the Head of BCSO submits a report covering the existing BCSO procedures and mechanisms that ensure the independence and transparency of the system. The report also includes the actions of the Office’s employees that may impact independence or create conflicts of interest, as well as complaints regarding the system’s functioning. The report also covers events (both those organized by KZR INiG and external entities) in which BCSO personnel participated. The Council assesses whether the actions of KZR INiG do not affect the impartiality of the system, based not only on the report but also on their own observations.
A part of the Council is the Committee. The Committee is appointed as needed to handle complaints.
The Council’s activities are also advisory. The Council proposes directions for the development of the KZR INiG System. The term of office for Council members is two and a half years.
Council members:
Candidates for Council members are proposed by the Management of the Biomass Certification Systems Office. They may be invited by KZR INiG or proposed by external entities. Candidates are evaluated against the requirements and appointed by the Director of the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute. Council members are selected to ensure that all parties are represented and that no party is dominant.
Current Council Members:
More about KZR INiG Council in link to KZR INiG System/1.